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Undue favour in selection of candidates in state psu

(Querist) 19 October 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Respected Sir/Madam
I applied for the post of Engineer in a state PSU were i qualified in the written test along with 24 candidates. Among the 24 candidates,there were 5 candidates who were the Internal candidate of the above State PSU.After PSU declared final result ,I found the below mentioned discrepancies when i sought information by RTI 2005 in the employment.

1. Undue advantage have given to the "internal candidate". There interview marks are MUCh highER than the rest of the candidate whereas written marks are lower than most of the candidate.Outsider Candidates like me with higher written marks are given lower marks in the interview to manipulate and retain the seats available for the Internal candidate.It is important to mention that there were no special benefit/reservation for the "Internal Candidate".

2.All 5 candidates out of 5 who given interview (INternal Candidate) were declared successful out of 5 seats available.

I ave attached one excel file based on the information i sought by RTI,2005.

Can i file a petition in court to cancel the Interview and re conduct it.

**Internal candidate-Contractual/Internal employee of PSU.

Guest (Expert) 19 October 2012
Nothing new about PSUs. You can file petition, but with no surety of your winning, unless you are capable to fully prove favouritism towards the selected candidates.
Mohan suthar (Querist) 19 October 2012
18 candidates scored higher written marks than the 5 candidate who have been selected out of total 24 candidate .
Above that Internal candidates who got 50 marks,49 marks likewise in the interview while in written 48,44,45 likewise marks.
Whereas there are several candidate with written marks more than 60 like 67,66 got interview marks 7,8 10,15 like this.
Can i ll be a mute spectator of this injustice?.What are the chances that the interview will be stuck down by court.
Guest (Expert) 19 October 2012
Who suggested you to be a mute spectator? I suggested you only about proof of favouritism to departmental candidates, if you can produce as an evidence in the court of law?

Chances of winning or losing depend solely on the quality of proof you are likely to produce.

Nobody would have any objection, if at your discretion you want to proceed even without any proof in your hand.
Rajeev Kumar (Expert) 19 October 2012
I totally aggree with Dhingra Sir
Mohan suthar (Querist) 19 October 2012
Respected Dingra Sir,

I filed RTI seeking marks in written as well as in Interview of all candidate. Initially they refused to give but finally i got with first appeal.From there i noticed this favoritism.I m having this document. Can this document be sufficient in the court of law?
Guest (Expert) 19 October 2012
Depends upon if the court is convinced.
Mohan suthar (Querist) 25 October 2012
I am inviting other lawyers to please mark their valuable suggestions.

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