University asking me to pay course fee again
Anandhan Nateshan
(Querist) 09 May 2012
This query is : Resolved
Hello Sir, I am doing my MCA through distance education mode from Madras University 2008-2011. I have completed my completed 3years of course.
University has sent a letter asking me to pay the fees for all 3years. With a reason asking to produce the bill copy if paid.
I have bill copy only for the 3rd year. I have misplaced rest of the bills. When I approach University they don’t have a single record of payment which I have paid.
University officials easily trying to escape simply blaming on me that I have not paid fee for all these years and forcing me to pay with fine.
They even know registration number for exam and ID card will not be issued without paying 1st year fee, but they are not willing to accept. Most of the students have come across the same issue with this university recently since they haven’t maintained their record properly.
Please help me with your suggestion.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 09 May 2012
how much is the amount . ? if you have paid by cheque you must be having bank staement showing money debited from your account . produce copy of bank statement
Anandhan Nateshan
(Querist) 09 May 2012
12,900rs is the 1st Year fee. I have made payment through cash.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 09 May 2012
if you have made payment by cash you have no proof . if their are other students impacted by said decision make koint representaion to university . quote provisions of rules which provide that without payment of fees you cnanot sit for exams .
Anandhan Nateshan
(Querist) 09 May 2012
I have record of debit on my saving account for 14,000(dec2008)in order to make payment. Since it is a cash payment I am not able to produce it as proof.
Will contact univerisity again as per your suggestion.
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 10 May 2012
Nothing left to be added.
Your debit is not binding on university.
Shonee Kapoor