Unsecured personal loan : legal opinion
(Querist) 13 September 2012
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir,
I have taken a unsecured personal loan from HDFC Bank when I was in job. But recently, I have resigned my job due to some problems. Since then, I was unable to pay the monthly EMIs of the personal loan. The Bank has sent me a legal notice which I have rejected to take. In this case, I seek your valuable legal opinion.
At the time of loan process, I have given post dated checks against EMIs of personal loan.
In what way I can defend in this case legally and also like to know, what sort of possible actions(criminal and civil) can the bank take on me legally. I would be grateful to you if you help me in this matter.
kind regards,

(Expert) 13 September 2012
Besides criminal case on account of cheque dishonour for Post-dated cheques, your credit rating will also go down to badly affect your ability to take any loan from banks/financial institutions at the time of your need in future.