Urgent situation, bigamy against women
(Querist) 29 June 2012
This query is : Resolved
Facts of the case:
1) Second Husband has Divorce Deed from his first marriage
2) Second Wife has also Divorce Deed from her first Marriage
3) Second Husband and Second Wife both have Registered the marriage.
4) Second Husband was under impression that He is legally divorcee.
5) Now Second Husband got to know that Divorce Deed is a not a valid document of divorce.
6) Second Wife is planning to file 498a against Second Husband and relatives of Second Husband including DV and CRPC 125.
Note: Second Husband here is me and Second Wife here is my non-legal wife of void marriage.
1) Can Second Husband file Section 494 against Second Wife?
2) If yes, How?
Khaleel Ahmed Mohammed
(Expert) 29 June 2012
On what grounds the divorce deed is not valid?
If it is not valid,you shall also be liable for prosecution as you have committed the offence of adultery.
Khaleel Ahmed Mohammed
(Expert) 29 June 2012
On what grounds the divorce deed is not valid?
If it is not valid,you shall also be liable for prosecution as you have committed the offence of adultery.
(Querist) 29 June 2012
I have got to know from new papers and certain judgments that the divorce deed has no validity.
Please give me guidance on my below query.
can bigamist (second) husband file bigamy complaint on bigamist (second) wife?
(Querist) 29 June 2012
I have got to know from new papers and certain judgments that the divorce deed has no validity.
Please give me guidance on my below query.
can bigamist (second) husband file bigamy complaint on bigamist (second) wife?
(Expert) 29 June 2012
1.Second Husband has Divorce Deed from his first marriage.
Ans: good
5) Now Second Husband got to know that Divorce Deed is a not a valid document of divorce.
Ans: Divorce by deed in any form is not valid in the eyes of law. The first wife can file a case of bigamy against you u/s 494ipc,and it will be vice versa from the other woman also.
J K Agrawal
(Expert) 30 June 2012
Dear Mr Sameer
Divorce deed is valid only in case of muslims only. In all other cases there should be a valid divorce by court or by custom.
Second wife can not file 498A or 125 Cr.P.C as there is no valid marriage.
But be aware of first wife.
(Expert) 30 June 2012
Second wife and second husband marriage is not a valid marriage as seen from your statements.