Vat re-registration
Arvind Gupta
(Querist) 26 August 2013
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir,
My father has run a proprietorship medical store. but a month ago he died, my lawyer said that my VAT registration has to be cancelled and a new registration will be applied to run the business . I want to is there a provision not to surrender my old registration because I want to run the business in my mother's name.
If it is not possible then what should I do. and also suggest me what type of business i should run (Proprietorship/ Partnership) if Partnership pls send a format of Partnership deed.
Amit Soni
(Expert) 27 August 2013
Since earlier form of business was proprietorship so your earlier VAT reg. would be cancelled and you have to obtain a new registration.
Further, a separate pharma license will also be required for that in the name of new proprietor.