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Voice identification

(Querist) 08 December 2011 This query is : Resolved 
Sir, In my office one of my subordinate (earlier worked under me for one and half year) was caught red handed by CBI. Now CBI has requested my office for voice verification of the accused, Office deputed me and one my subordinate for voice verification. After careful listening we regretted that we could not identiy the voice of the accused. The proceedings were recorded by CBI. CBI is now giving threatening that they will take severe action against us for non recognition of the voice and we can be arrested for non cooperation. The same is not understood. kindly guide us.


ajay sethi (Expert) 08 December 2011
you cant be forced to testify that voice recorded is that of your subordinate .

if you are unable to make out clearly whose voice it is you are justiifed in declining to identify the voice as that of your subordinate .
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 08 December 2011
The threat of the CBI is baseless and without any force.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 08 December 2011
yes! that is right.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 08 December 2011
You are required to be firm on your stand. If you change it under the threatening of CBI, it can invite various dangers for you in future.
Shonee Kapoor (Expert) 09 December 2011
These are pressure tactics. Don't think much of it.


Shonee Kapoor
Akhilesh Maurya (Expert) 09 December 2011
CBI cannot force you. You can move an application in the appropriate court for the same. "Voice" cannot be verified by a person It shall be send to FSL for verification.
sumeet (Querist) 09 December 2011
thank you all for helping me

Today CBI came to our office and communicated our higher ups that they will invoke 193 IPC against us and will try to make us co-accuse in the case. I dont understand how they can blame like that, when we have no business with him. The accussed was trapped red handed?
kindly guide......

prashant pundhir (Expert) 10 December 2011
No case is made out against you u/s 193 ipc although the CBI can be prosecuted by the same .You need to file a complaint or an application u/s 156(3) cr.p.c.(for lodging FIR) in the appropriate court with the help of other persons of your office .
sumeet (Querist) 10 December 2011
thanks a lot to all of you may god bless you.....

I will be keeping you people update with the other developments..



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