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void marriage

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 07 January 2010 This query is : Resolved 
i am a govt employee.i have married on 15-03-09 in hindu marriage system.on marriage ceremony sapthapadi has not takes place.from then on we had cohabit only for two months.from then on she is torturing me for money for their debts.& we both feel with ego she is pregnent &she denied for cohabition & intercourse &she left my house without reasonable cause.
my questions are
1)is it a valid marriage?
2)if i go for conjugal rights "if she comes for one week & if again go with her parents witout reasonable cause if it is repeated again & again" what is the law says.then i go for divorce?
niranjan (Expert) 07 January 2010
It is valid marriage. Since your wife is pregnant,instead of taking any legal action against her,try to persuade her, send her money for her maintenance by MO or by cheque.Do not make any haste.
kranthi kiran (Expert) 07 January 2010
Taking the future of the baby (to be born), think twice before taking any decision. Yes you have remedies of filing a petition for restitution conjugal rights or divorce(after one year of marriage). but my suggetion is try, to convince your wife, try to understand each other. don't drag silly issues. reach an amicable settlement.
B K Raghavendra Rao (Expert) 07 January 2010

Marriage is valid unless you establish beyond doubt that the rituals and custom prevailing in your society is not observed during the marriage.

Law cannot bring in love and harmony between husband and wife which is an affair to be developed mutually between themselves within the four walls of their house.

You have every right to file a petition for conjugal rights but as afraid by you, it has to be sustained. Mutual co-operation of husband and wife, minus ego, would only ensure happy family. Try to win over your wife if required with the help of mediation process.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 07 January 2010
The opinion of Rao is practical and purely mature.
Sukhija (Expert) 13 January 2010
I do agree with above views

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