Want to get divorce
(Querist) 08 January 2014
This query is : Resolved
Hello ,
I am married on 29 Jan 2013 and i brought here in dubai after 15 days of marriage and was normal for few days and suddenly i monitored here she cannot stand for more than 10 minutes and she fell sick and i took her to a doctor and did some medical tests and then we came to know she has hypo thyroid and also she has RF sector 4.5 and she has cortical scar on her right kidney and also she has polycystic pattern and also i dont know few more .
i consulted with gynocologist she is MDDGO and she told me the girl is not fit for married life and she cannot give a birth to a baby .if she can the baby will have some health issue .
my wife has all these diseases since before marriage and they didnt inform me about these things during time of marriage and now i want to get divorce is there any possibility in indian law can support me .
ajay sethi
(Expert) 08 January 2014
merely because wife has thyroid problem is no ground for divorce.i presume marriage has been consummated .
if you want divorce discuss with your wife and opt for divorce by mutual consent . otherwise it would be long drawn affair
(Querist) 08 January 2014
But Mr Ajay she has other physical problems as well and it is proved by medical reports
ajay sethi
(Expert) 08 January 2014
do you have normal sex life? do you have written opinion of gynecologist that she wont be able to have normal married life
(Querist) 08 January 2014
no written document but she said she want me to leave her in messages and i have proof
ajay sethi
(Expert) 08 January 2014
if your wife wants you to leave her then go in for divorce by mutual consent
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 08 January 2014
You can get divorce only if you could prove her cruelty or her refusal to lead normal physical relation.
As suggested above, mutual divorce is always a good option.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 08 January 2014
Was she aware of all these illness before marriage and was any treatment taken by her for all these before marriage. You may proceed for more expert opinions as it is the matter of life.
If she can not bear, lacs of family are adopting, if acceptable you may continue.
Normal divorce would be a lengthy affair, mutual consent divorce is the better way if consensuses reached.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 08 January 2014
agree with experts.
(Querist) 08 January 2014
dear experts thank you for your advises and i really apprecite your support as you are my brothers as indians but to tell you all honestly her beviour towards me and my family is not good and is is possible to give her a divorce through court on basis of medical reports and im really not happy with her any more and i have spend too much money here in dubai to setup my house and bring her here so that i can live happily but now she is staying at her mothers house from 10 months and i will complete 1 year by the end of this month .
please any other advises based on these details
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 08 January 2014
Contesting divorce may take years, settle amicably with the help of relatives and common friends.