What does meaning of clause foll in search report
pooja dedhia
(Querist) 06 August 2012
This query is : Resolved
Fact mentonioned in the search report:==
the basis of conveyance deed dated -xxxxx and as per record of rights (i.e.7/12 extracts,) i say that the property beating survey no xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx adm xxxxxxxxxsq ft the present holder the said m/s abc co (now m/s xyz co ) is an owner of the properties in question. No other doc mentioned ( conveyance deed& change name of co name proof from the mantralay)in my serach notes are traced or found during the above mentioned serach period.
is it above para put question on the ownership & possession of m/s xyz co ?
how does following note will impact on analysis of serach report? why doc are not made available to seArch clerk?
the said computeriosed index book no II of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx are not made availabele for taking serach after 1 st day
of jan 2012 to till date?
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 06 August 2012
Academic query.
pooja dedhia
(Querist) 07 August 2012
i need guidance please