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What my wife or her advocate should do to get false final report rejected?

(Querist) 01 January 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Happy, Prosperous and Peaceful New Year to all of you, Sirs.

In my wife case Hon'ble Court issued Order U/c 156(3). The accused have committed Fraud, Cheating, Forgery, Criminal Breach of Trust, Misappropriation of her Accounts, Cyber Crimes etc. Sections 420, 465, 466, 467, 34 IPC have been charged. The Final Report submitted by the IO to the Court is false, fabricated, baseless, full of lies, full of false information and misleading in all the points.

The accused had taken Bails by filling false, fabricated, baseless, full of lies, full of false information and misleading Bail Applications in the Session Court.

The police has not done investigation on the basis of the Complaint filled in the Court. It looks that the Final Report was prepared on the direction of the accused and their advocates and on the basis of false Statements of the accused. The IO has not collected the evidences as per the requirement of the Complaint filled in the court.

I require Expert Advise on

1) Whether Sections are charged properly or whether there requires to add more sections? What should be done to add more Sections?

2) The Accused have taken Bails by filling false Bail Applications. What should be done in this matter?

3) What should be done so that Hon'ble Court may reject the False Final Report? Next date in the court is on 6/1/2012.

4) What actions should be taken against IO and his Seniors?

I would be highly thankful and obliged to you for your advise.
Shonee Kapoor (Expert) 01 January 2012
The court can very well reject the report and order for registration of FIR.

Alternatively the court can keep the case with himself and take congnizance and proceed with pre-summoning evidence.

Unless we know the contents of the complaint nothing further can be advised.


Shonee Kapoor
prabhakar singh (Expert) 03 January 2012
May be utmost it becomes a private complaint case.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 03 January 2012
First tell what do you mean by false bail order?
Mr. Hitendra Shah (Querist) 03 January 2012
to Shri Prabhakar Singh :- What should be done even if it is Private Case? and

to Shri Devajyoti Barman :- There is no reference of any false Bail Order in my question. There is reference of "False Final Police Report" which was submitted by IO to the Hon'ble Court.

I expect your advice on the whole question mentioned here.


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