Jafar Sayed
(Querist) 29 April 2017
This query is : Resolved
Please guide me for the scope of 3 year llb and if after this I would like to study CA then on the basis of law degree I' ll get at least 15000 per month as a stipend in any CA firm or they will provide just 5000-6000 only.
If attached as an article or audit clerk with a CA during the CA course till successful completion, the CA is not legally bound to pay you even a single rupee more than the prescribed stipend. To pay more than the amount of stipend rests at the sole discretion of the CA to which you are attached that too if your other qualification has any utility or productivity to his professional service.
So, you cannot claim your desired compensation as a matter of right. You can however get exemption from appearance in law subjects of the CA exam with due credits for the relevant papers on account of LLB your qualification.
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