Where to file tax evasion petition against fil

(Querist) 20 January 2012
This query is : Resolved
Hello experts,
Need your help.
I want to file tax evasion petition against FIL but I am not sure where?
Actually he works in DDA Delhi and lives in Ghaziabad, UP.
Please advice.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 20 January 2012
what is FIL? is it father in law . dont run your relations with him . your wife will file 4 cases against you

(Querist) 20 January 2012
Thanks for reply Sethi sir.
Yes its father in law...and they have already filed domestic violence case wherein huge amount of dowry has been mentioned.
Please guide!
ajay sethi
(Expert) 20 January 2012
still dont file tax evasion case . why you want to further antagonise . concentrate your energies on fighting DV case .
go by your lawyers advice regarding allegations made in DV case

(Querist) 20 January 2012
Thanks but I would like to file this. It has been more than an year. I waited and tried to resolve this amicably.
I just need to know where to file, In Delhi or UP?
(Expert) 20 January 2012
You need to file the tax evasion petition at Income tax office which is near Shankar market (Cannaught place) as he being a salaried employee would be filing return as per ward based on employer name you can find the exact ward when you visit there.
If you know his PAN than it would be lot easier in case you dont know than if you know his Date of birth than you can find the jurisdiction where he files returns on IT site I can provide the link
Deepak Nair
(Expert) 20 January 2012
Do you have any evidence to show that your father in law is evading tax??
In case of lack of evidence, the case may backfire and along with other cases, you would be facing an additional case.
You would have received good advices if you sincerely wanted to trap a tax evader. But, in this case, you are doing this out of ego and revenge.
If you were in good terms with your in-laws, you would have never raised voice against him, instead you would have supported him.
So I don't think you any expert will provide you any solution to your satisfaction.
(Expert) 20 January 2012
There is no harm in filing TEP this will be a counter blow for the cases being filed against you. Though you should be prepared for a 498A and in UP it is quite dangerous due to no AB provisions.
But it is not so that your TEP would make them file that as if they have that in mind they can always file.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 20 January 2012
I have also similar opinion as expressed above.
Deepak Nair
(Expert) 20 January 2012
Dear Sanjeev,
The inlaws of the querist have already filed criminal cases against him which he himself have admitted. That was the reason behind my commnet in such a way as he want to take revenge only.
(Expert) 20 January 2012
If you have vital evidence then you file it in the investication section with full details
Advocate. Arunagiri
(Expert) 20 January 2012
you have to file the TEP
if he is having the PAN card, to the concerned circle ITO.
if he is not having any PAN card, to the ITO where he resides.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 21 January 2012
(Expert) 21 January 2012
Dear Mr. Makkad,
Mr. Sethi advices the querist not to file a tax evation petition.
Mr. Deepak Nair suggests that the querist should not file as in the absence of proper information/documents, the matter may backfire.
Mr. Sanjeev says, there is no harm in filing the TEP.
When so many differing view points are there, you simply say "I have also similar opinion as expressed above."
Why don't you clearly say whose views you are agreeing with.
Otherwise, your answer projects you as a "confused soul".
(Expert) 21 January 2012
Mr Anonymous,
You can file a TEP but mind it once filed, it cannot be taken back. So matter will be out of your hand even if you want to reconcile tomorrow.
Coming to nity-grities, you have to be very specific in TEP regarding the alleged undisclosed income or assets. Otherwise such complaint wont be regarded the worth of paper on it is written. The IT department receives thousands of complaints everyday and not all are worth taking any action. So you will lose from both counts.
Finally I would agree with expert above who advises not to spoil relations by such acts as there is always scope of reconciliation in marital discords. Try to resolve the matters involving elders and eminent people from your society rather than being revengeful in the heat of moment.
PS: By the way if you still want to file complaint, do it with office of Director General of Income Tax (Investigation) at Jhandewalan Income Tax Office and Director General of Income Tax (Investigation) Lucknow. Any complaint filed with local offices has to be first forwarded to these authorities only.
Advocate. Arunagiri
(Expert) 21 January 2012
After 2 to 3 weeks of sending the TEP, send an RTI application seeking status of the TEP. It will do wonders.
(Expert) 21 January 2012
Yes I agree RTI after TEP would make IT to action on your TEP fast else it may get unactioned.