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Whether workman can argue his labour case himself

(Querist) 31 December 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Dear experts,

After giving three chances for starting arguments workman's lawyer is not attending and skipping the start of argument.

The workman has already prepared written arguments in consultation with his lawyer before these three chances but on advise of his lawyer he did not submit it in court on these three chances.

My question is whether he can submit these written arguments in next hearing if this time again his lawyer skip the hearing and start oral arguments using his written arguments on his own.

Whether Judge have power to refuse workman who do not want to delay his case taking place for the last 5 years in labour court to argue his case since workman is betrayed by his lawyer three times.

AAK (Expert) 31 December 2012
It is highly recommended not to argue or submit written argument in person unless scrutinized by advocate. As in each cases legal technicalities and interpretation of terms are involved, which a laymen may not understand. It may affect the whole case.
ajay sethi (Expert) 31 December 2012
change your lawyer . better lawyers argues your case
R.K Nanda (Expert) 31 December 2012
get better lawyer for arguments.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 01 January 2013
You cannot be denied but that may hamper your chances in the case. Better talk with your lawyer and ask his problem not to take the case seriously and if no solution is arrived at only then change the lawyer.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 03 July 2018
Agree with Raj Kumar Makkad.

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