Who is the competant authority to issue warrant of arrest for violation offence u/s 167 of r p act?
(Querist) 02 April 2014
This query is : Resolved
in election different things like boat,animal,vehicles etc are requisition by order of Collector & DM as per power conferred on them U/S 160 of RP ACT 1951. in the said act in section 167 it provides that whoever disobey the order issued U/S 160 of RP Act shall liable to be punished for imprisonment of up to one year. so in case of any violation detected who shall issue the warrant of arrest under the said penal provision.
(Expert) 02 April 2014
As an RTO, om what way you are concerned with the orders of the DM or issue of warrants against disobeyance of orders of the DM?
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 02 April 2014
please violate the order and see who had issued the warrant when cops come to arrest you.
Or bring facts of the case and you locus standie in case as pointed out by Mr Dhingra.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 02 April 2014
I go with the opinions of Mr. Dhingra and Mr. Sudhir Kumar, both the experts have viewed the issue in a proper way, let the author answer their questions.
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