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(Querist) 01 September 2011 This query is : Resolved 
An unregistered will executed pertaining to three residential property situated in three different states. The address of the writer is mentioned in the WILL of Delhi. The property is in UP, HP, PUNJAB. Besides residential houses, there are provisions for jewellery and shares. all the property have been given to her husband and the only daughter.
my question is how to get the WILL probate and at which place. whether can it be probated at any one place of the property and by obtaining certified copy of the probate, the rights can be obtained in other properties, shares etc.
Ravikant Soni (Expert) 01 September 2011
Any of the District court wherein such property is situated. But you must attach schedule of property and name of the dist.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 02 September 2011
yes Mr. Ravikant Soni is right,you can apply in any of the three state as per your convenience but you need
to attach schedule of all of the proprieties lying in all three states.There will be one probate from one state for all three states as the jurisdiction is concurrent any one of them can be utilized.
Advocate Bhartesh goyal (Expert) 02 September 2011
I do agree with experts.
VIJAY K. TEOTIA (Querist) 02 September 2011
Thanks to all. my query is resolved.
ashok kumar singh (Expert) 03 September 2011
VIJAY K. TEOTIA (Querist) 05 September 2011
is there any alternative of getting probate.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 05 September 2011
Yes a suit on basis of will by any/or many of beneficiaries against one or many other beneficiaries about all properties of all states can be filled in UP where probate is not necessarily required by law.I am not aware about other two states.
girish shringi (Expert) 05 September 2011
I willk go with Mr. Singh.

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