(Querist) 06 December 2011
This query is : Resolved
my grand father brother executed a will infavour of my self and his wife. the step daughter filed a suit and obtained a final decree from High court of A.P and she succeeded off share to him and remaining off share to my grand father brother wife. subsequently she filed a petition for means profits. pending enquirer my grand father wife died and her life time she made a will infavour of me. now how i add party in pending means profit petition to defend the case.
A V Vishal
(Expert) 06 December 2011
Move an application before the court to seek permission to make you a party to the suit as the LR of your deceased grandmother. The advocate who is currently defending the case may be approached.
Advocate Bhartesh goyal
(Expert) 06 December 2011
File an application to get impleaded yourself in suit as a LR of your deceased grand mother on the basis of her will.
DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g
(Expert) 06 December 2011
Yes you can do it. But what happened to will.If the document is otherwise OK, you must contest on its basis to higher court.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 06 December 2011
yes! I agree with opinions advanced.
Sailesh Kumar Shah
(Expert) 06 December 2011
Agree with opinions expressed by learned experts.
Kishor Mehta
(Expert) 07 December 2011
In the first place if the original Will left by your grandfather's brother is probated, then the division of hie property has to be done as per the Will. The step-daughter can not succeed unless she is bequeathed in the Will.
Secondly, please get the Will of your grandmother probated.
Then get yourself impleaded in the suit filed by the step-daughter.
Normally the wishes of a Testamantrix are final if the Will is probated.
Kishor Mehta