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(Querist) 09 July 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Society if asking for a probate to the will for transfer of a flat in case where a Parsi has died and he has bequeathed his flat to his daughter who is his only child. His wife has also exipered.Is a probate for the will necessary. Or is there any way in which the flat can be transfered ?Property is in MUmbai
Manish Singh (Expert) 09 July 2009
i dont think they should ask for the probate if the will is not disputed. better look into the bye-laws of teh society.
Is it a co-operative society?
sanjeev murthy desai (Expert) 09 July 2009
Dear Sanjay,

If the Will is appointed any executor then only executor has to be get the probate otherwise not. Pleae completely gothorough the will. If it has any opiont cluse of executor then u have to probate it in the jurisdictional court.

sanjeev desai

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