Woman property law
Jaya Gandhi
(Querist) 22 August 2013
This query is : Resolved
I want my share from my father's perperty.
My father has a Daughter and Son. Both are married and settled. I am the Daughter.
Father - alive. Mother - Alive. Grand father - died.
My Father is not mentally 100% fit. So my grand father registered more property of grand grand father - directly to my Brother and some to my mother and none to me.
I am the daughter - i want my share of 50% on my father / grand father property.
We are a Hindu family. I am married with 1 son and 1 daughter.
My brother and mother refusing my share.
My grand father acquired the property from his father by partition. My grand father had 3 brother and they had done the family partition. My grand father and his brothers were -m died and no more. when my grandfather registered his property to my brother - when he was 9 yrs old and i was 5 yrs old.
My Grandfather Died. My Grandfather inherited this property from his father.
(Expert) 23 August 2013
Dear Jaya Gandhi,
Whether you have right to claim or not will entirely depend upon the documents and as to the nature of the property - whether it is self acquired / ancestral etc.
With the very limited information provided by you, it is not possible for anyone to give you an appropriate answer to your query.
Therefore, you would be advised to approach a local lawyer, show the documents and discuss things.
malipeddi jaggarao
(Expert) 23 August 2013
How your grand father acquired the property from his father is the question. Hence you should elaborate your query.
Jaya Gandhi
(Querist) 24 August 2013
How your grand father acquired the property from his father is the question. Hence you should elaborate your query.
My grand father acquired the property from his father by partition. My grand father has 3 brother and they had done the family partition.
Jaya Gandhi
(Querist) 24 August 2013
My grand father acquired the property from his father by partition. My grand father has 3 brother and they had done the family partition.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 24 August 2013
In the ircumstances explained by you, You are one of the coparcerner in the property inherited by your grandfather, where you have a share.
Contact and seek service/advise of local lawyer

(Expert) 24 August 2013
Ms. Jaya,
In fact, I find contradiction in your basic query, where you talk about share out of your father's property, but discuss only on your grand father's inherited property transferred to the name of your brother and mother.
(Expert) 25 August 2013
1. How many sons & daughters you grandfather had?
2. If the said property has not been acquired by your grand father out of his own earnings, then the said property will be equally divided amongst his wife & all his sons(including your father) & daughters.
3. You are entitled to equal share of your fathers share of the said ancestral property of your grandfather, alongwith your mother & brother.