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Writ against government officer for having violated g.os

(Querist) 24 September 2018 This query is : Resolved 
Dear experts,
This is reg a G.O issued by Government of Tamilandu ( G.O Ms: 99 of P&AR dept + amendment) which stipulates that a Government officer shall a) Acknowledge any grievance petition sent by Public within 3 days of receipt of same either by post /email
B) Shall dispose the case within days of receipt with written intimation to the applicant
) If the case takes more time than specified , officer shall intimate the same the he would need xyz days and also to give an interim reply on the actions taken so far within 30 days..

In one of my application to a Tashildar in Tnadu, he has neither sent any acknowledgement nor given any reply within 30 days..even at 45th day..there is no response from him on a matter related to land ...with this background my queries are as below for your suggestions pls:

1. Having violated the provisions of G.O no: 99 ( G.O was issued on the direction by Honble Supreme Court in one case) , can i file a Writ Mandamus or any other suitable case against the Tahsildhar?praying for direction to Thasildhar to dispose the case within a fixed time frame, and to iniitate disciplinary proceedings against him for having violated the G.O..

2. Should i file a complaint against tahsildhar with his higher authority on hirearchy ( say RDO /DRO / Collector) praying for direction & disciplinary actions against said erring officer?
3. Any other suitable way that help in directing the officer to work on the case for early disposal?

Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 24 September 2018
You shoul first file/lodge a complaint bwfore higher officials annexing all relevant documents failing to get suitable action, go to high court for filing writ of mandamus. It shall also be better to apply RTI Act simultaneously.
RAMJI (Querist) 03 October 2018
Thanks to Mr Raj kumar makkad for his reply.....Sir, my further clarification sought are as below for your kind response pls
1. is there any time limit for filing Writ mandamus?...
2. Should i wait for disposal of the complaint made to higher officers of the government

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