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Dokmart   01 March 2016

Format of consent letter for shorter notice


Consent of shareholder for Shorter Notice

(Pursuant to Section 101(1))




The Board of Directors

[Name of the Company]

[Address of the Company]


Dear Sir,


We, [Name of the Shareholder], having our Registered Office at [Address of Registered office], holding [Number of Shares held] [In words] Equity Shares of Rs. [Face Value per share] each in the Company in our name hereby give consent, pursuant to Section 101(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, to hold an Annual General Meeting / Extraordinary General Meeting on [Date of EGM] at a shorter notice.


For and on behalf of

[Name of the Shareholder]



                                                                                         Signature ____________________

Dated:                                                                             Name: [Name of Authorized Signatory]













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