YOGESH YADAV 04 August 2020
{Balu manikantan} SUBRAMANYAM (Practising Advocate) 04 August 2020
once a bail is ordered and the conditions for the bail i.e sureties are fulfilled by the accused , the judge issues a release order there after the prison department are bound to release the accused. Even if the police alters the fir the Bail cannot be cancelled by the police on their own. Talk to the advocate he will guide you.
YOGESH YADAV 05 August 2020
{Balu manikantan} SUBRAMANYAM (Practising Advocate) 05 August 2020
It would be 110 ipc which says
Punishment of abetment if person abetted does act with different intention from that of abettor.
This section is redundant if 306 ipc is invoked.