Hi Experts, I had this severe pain in my right hip joint and I showed it to an orthopedic Sargon. He suggested MRI. Which I got done, after looking at the MRI the doctor said I had some effusion (accumulation of puss) in my joint which needs to be aspirated (taken out). He aspirated my puss and sent it for culture and sensitivity in the pathology, and meanwhile started my treatment with ATT (Anti Tuberculosis Treatment). The Gram Staining report which was received immediately, suggested I did not have Tuberculosis, but still the ATT was started. After 6 weeks the report of culture also came up, which again suggested that there was "No Bacteria seen and there was no Growth of Bacteria". My severe pain was not subsiding at all, but my orthopedic surgeon kept insisting on tuberculosis. After 8 long months of continuously taking ATT and the pain still not subsiding, I showed my hip to another orthopedic, who suggested another MRI. After the second MRI report, second doctor said I had AVN (Avascular Necrosis) and not Bone TB. Now, experts, I want to know if there is any such case which has been settled earlier. I would greatly appreciate if anyone could help me on this.
Thanking you in advance
Rajesh Khanna