For some years now we are running our society affairs of our residential buildings on our own as the builder is not letting us form a society. As a result, we created a joint account in a national bank to handle the financial affairs of our buildings on our own. Me being the primary account holder and other two flat owners as the joint account holders for the account and also my flat address being mentioned against the account. Due to untowards attitude of the person running the society affairs(and who is also a joint account holder) and not co-operating for an internal audit of the income/expenditure of the society affairs for past 3 years, I decided to withdraw my name from the account as this guy has started keeping me away from the pass-book, cheque book and even mobile registration(for sms banking) related to the account for past some time. Pre & Post submitting the withdrawal of my name and address application to the branch manager, I came across some weird experiences like Bank employees & Bank manager co-operating with the other joint account holders, giving false details to me like address changes been made against the account and mobile# registered for the account is mine and not other joint account holders, the other account holder not sharing the pass-book with me to view the address changes. Was able to reach out to the nodal officer (the next level of escalation in case of a bank branch) only once, where she said if the primary account holder of an account decides to withdraw from the account then the account needs to be closed as per the bank norms. Tried to reach out to her again, but she is not taking up the call or even replying to mails.
I am dealing with two issues here,
1> Primary account holder in a joint account decides to withdraw from the account, is the account supposed to get closed?
2> In cases like our residents, when we come together and create a bank account due to society not being formed by builder; when the people running the account affairs tell you to go to court when we ask for income/expenditure statement and they are not co-operating for even an internal audit what options do I have to pursue an audit? Suppose if i dont go for an audit, and somebody after a while takes a legal route against me to get income/expenditure for past years(as I was the primary account holder of the account), how much trouble I will be in as I've no visibility to the same as I've never handled Accounts work for the same?
Please suggest.