While all of us including me are blaming the government, intelligence failure and so on for the cowardly act of terrorists killing hundreds of innocents . . . . . . but as a citizen i think we are lacking in many aspects . . . in each and every case of terrorism in india we find some of our citizens involved in it in some or other like providing shelter, logistics all for money . . . . we all make hue and cry . . . but when strict laws are enacted and enforced . . . we again raise hue and cry .. . . about personal liberty and so on . . . in America after 11/9 they have enforced strict laws and no is blaming . . . but POTA like enactment is made . . we argue about personal liberty, misuse of act and so on . . . . . at this juncture i remember the words of legend . . . everyone thinks how to change this world . . . . but not how to change himself. We citizens have to act more responsibily . . . . until then no government, no intellgence agency can prevent or stop terrorism.