I got MCD on last week.
As per MCD written agrement between us, she has to bring daughter (7 years old) to a park near her home on every second Saturday and Fourth Sunday. She regularly brought kid to park till MCD. Kid was happy with me and no problem. Last time, after MCD wife brought kid to park and said to me that kid dont want to be with me. She was forcing kid to bring the park. Kid showed fears to come with me. Kid stick on with her mother. Kid started to cry.
I suspect that my wife mental poisoned kid against me. Wife told one of my friend that she dont want to see me again after divorce. She is not ready to send kid with her parents or relatives to meet me. She is tricky and says that tell me to facilitate other arrangements to see kid. She cant bring kid after her second marriage.
She can wash the hands by saying that kid dont want to see me. What can I do in this situation?