khushi sharma 13 May 2020
Archit Uniyal 13 May 2020
Supreme Court in Reema Agarwala Vs. Anupam & Ors., 2004 laid down that the validity of a marriage will not act as a bar for a woman to institute a case u/s.498(A) I.P.C.
The court said that the absence of a definition of 'husband' to specifically include such persons who contract marriages ostensibly and cohabitate with such woman, in the purported exercise of his role and status as 'husband' is no ground to exclude them from the purview of Section 304B or 498A IPC, viewed in the context of the very object and aim of the legislation introducing those provisions.
You may read these article and the comments for a better understanding of Legal Perspective of the live-in relationship in India: