I want the definition of unskilled, semi skilled and skilled labour as used for payment of minimum wages.Can some body help me
Rama mohan Acharya (Manager HR(Legal)) 09 October 2009
I want the definition of unskilled, semi skilled and skilled labour as used for payment of minimum wages.Can some body help me
Sandy_1136 (HR. EXECUTIVE) 10 October 2009
"Skilled": A tradesman, someone who has expert knowledge in a particular field that requires problem solving, for example an Electrician, Machinist, Toolmaker, etc.
"Semi-skilled" is usually a machine operator, where work is routine and well defined and "skill" is acquired by a short training period, following a set of instructions, or repetitIous work.
"Unskilled" an employee who performs menial jobs, for example a janitor, or common laborer .