Caveat is an application filed by a legal person in a particular court of civil nature against one or more legal persons, seeking to be heard before passing any ex-parte order against him in any proceedings that may be filed by the said persons against him in that court.The caveat is live for 90 days from the date of filing.One has the caveat Application properly drafted and file it in the court, or engage the services to do the same. The notice of Caveat along with a copy of the caveat Application shall need to be sent to each person against whom the caveat has been filed.In case the other side files any case against one in the civil court, the court shall not grant any ex-parte order but issue him an urgent notice to appear before the court and reply. However, in such case, one has to be prepared to file his reply at a very short notice, and be also fully prepared to immediately argue the matter in the court.
Thus, since a caveat can be filed again one or more future plaintifs, you can file one against the villagers.