Hello All. I was not sure where to post this. My Friend need some money and since he was not able to take loan he asked me to take a personnal loan on my name and he would pay the EMI for the same. On trust I took a personal Loan of 2Lacs for the term of 60 months EMI and gave him the money. He deposited the EMI on my account on the 1st or 2nd of every month till a year since EMI deduction from the bank were done from my account. Now for the past three months he has stopped giving me the money, he has changed his stand and told that he would NOT be paying the remaining amount . He told that I have no proof and I cant do nothing about it. the only proof I have is the exact EMI amout he used to transfer to my bank account every month for a year. Do I stand a chance of getting my money back ?? Please help , I am desperate..