my grand daughter and mydaughere are living with me. My daughter is a school teacher earning Rs6000\mor yhsn 60000 prt mony. I am a pensioner aged 78 having a pension of Rs 60000 per month. My daugher jas beem se[rated from her husband. She is spending for the child. But she is also tortruing the child with so manu aksig her a number of questions every nihgt shouting at her and sometimes beating her. As she is exessively conscious of needness a neat freek more or less OCD she maked the life of the child hell making her wash hands thousand times and take bath again on the sightest doutn that she has tuched sometign dirty though there is nthing dirty in thehouse. etc.
Can i file a case for the custrody of child on the groung of cruelty from the mothr and also claim maintenane from both the parents.