The Bar Council of India has conducted the examination of the first All India Bar Examination, which issue had been a controversal one and matter is still sub judiced. Despite that BCI went ahead with conducting the examination. Not only that they have also taken an agreement from all fresh graduates that they will appear for the examination and if they fail they will not be entitled to practice.
The patern of exam is multiple choice questions of 100 to be answered in 120minutes. Out of the 5 options the student has to choose one option which is most accurate or least accurate.
The nature of question was so tough tht even expereinced lawyers could not attempt them in time and say coorect answer. Then how the freshers can answer. This is cruel joke played by the BCI on the students.
In the name of reform they made it a source of money earning arean with Rs.1500 for a student. According to BCI 22000 students took up the exam. So calculate your self 22000x1500=33000000, a recurring soure of revenue.
In fact i suggest if the BCI is interested in reform of advocacy they should conduct periodical updating courses and also shoudl conduct examination for granting Notary certificate.
The students havae already competed 3 yrs or 5 yeaars serviced and they are inexpereinced and will not be able to interpret law as that of senior law. When in India many hig court give diverse decisons on same issue how the BCI expects students to answer most and least accurate.