Dear Atif Khan, problem with me is strange that when I try to spek the blunt or harsh truth, people castigate me either to be rude or ignorant of the situation in Indian context but the truth is always bitter than the fiction and irony in India is that we follow many rules for marriage, divorce, child custody or other social issues, I mean we have personnel law for each and every individual and many loop holes to evade the legal action or the consequences.
Sir since you are an muslim and at any stage you can challenge the National Law but as per Shariat, you have the liberty to marry four wives but strictly as per Shariat but here is a locha, by the way if you are employed with certain govt.sector then you may not be permitted to do so and if found with another wife, you are liable to be terminated (Kindly do not read YOU as Mr. Atif Khan, I have used it as a common gender/factor).No matter whether it was a civil marriage but being a muslim you would require it to be registered with the Nikah authorities as per Shariat as I have been made to understand thogh I have no knowledge about it but since I have been staying at a muslim country thereby know a bit of it.
But irony is that being in India your estrange better half could drag you in the court for domestic/criminal violence behavior and many enthusiastic lawyers community would be glad to participate in the duel to earn premium and that includes both sides.But at any cost you would be needing their services because you may not be aware of the complexity of the system.
Since Indians are basically pseudo soft towards faminine you would be treated a proved demon even if legally a humane.
Kindly consult some good lawyers as no body would be willing to share their expertise free of cost and I am neither a criminal nor a family affairs lawyer but simply a ordinery citizen and a human being.