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Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     02 June 2011

Vote Bank


Indian Husband are Vote bank

Here is a story to narrate the point:

"Once a group of 11 members of the same community went to picnic, they knew when they started that they were 11 of them as there were only 11 families in that village who had Men from that same community. They spent the whole day in playing and recreation. Later they swam to the opposite bank from a small river that divided the land where they played. After spending some good time on the opposite bank of river, they swam back as it was nearing the end of the day. Before the evening ceased they had to reach home so they winded up and started back on time. They decided to take a stock of things with which they started to ensure nothing is missing. Things were in place. They decided to count and confirm if all the friends of the community were there in the group. 

One of the group’s men took the lead and asked everyone to stand in a line and he began to count, to his surprise the count of men was only 10 instead of 11 and 1 was missing. Another boy insisted that he would count and claimed that his counting was superior and started counting he too could reach only 10 and 11th boy was missing. All the boys took turns and realized that only 10 out of 11 boys were there and 11th was missing. They were sad and clueless. Coincidentally a passerby villager saw this group of sad kids and stopped by and inquired about the problem. He was briefed about it and he started to count and moment he counted he counted all the 11. And he told the mistake of the boys that every time they were counted they forgot to count themselves and hence missed out on the 11th man.

The boys realized the mistake and went home happily"


Similarly metro Indian Husbands at large either forget to count themselves or consider it as a crime to talk about their RIGHTS. As they feel the responsibility that they are burdened which makes them macho. And only women cannot be responsible and only they have a say in fighting for a RIGHT forgetting they are also programmed for performing their DUTIES.


I realized the Indian metro male’s plight when I met another rigid friend of mine who changed his attitude the moment he realized that majority of metros*xual Indian men are in marital mess, instead of just being normal he vanished in the crowd as if he was telling me “Bro well you are ALONE, and you need to be left alone”. I have seen this attitude in many desperate new comers in the 498a weekly guidance meets who want us to instant perform a Shakira act; ‘now shake the world’ just because now they are affected !. Attitude !!!! Else who cared till date. Lucky I never under estimated the boy’s side but definitely stopped supporting feminists once I realized the status of law and that of Indian men.

This mental attitude is injurious to health as Indian men are resembling the characters of the above story. They often discount themselves in all the sectors. The MP’s who hailed the historic speech on passing of the so called historic women’s reservation bill too missed it and the junta men who too do not bother of their rights. Such people can only be ruled I will bluntly publish this here.


But its time that we realize that Husbands too are a vote bank and a significant part of the very system the society rests on means metro women are dependent upon our pocket strengths and thrive just because THE POCKET (read as ATM machine) IS THERE na ! Only then the world and the politicians can be expected to realize that Husbands too are a potential vote bank not just them but their mothers and sisters and other family members who are vulnerable to the draconian wife centric laws that are heavily misused.

People do not realize that

1. The proceedings against husband are run on the tax money contributed by 82% male fraternity who is reduced to an ATM for unscrupulous wives.

Tax money is used to fund the lawyer of the litigant wife who is filing a false case against the husband.

State fights the false criminal case directly against the Husband on behalf of the wife.

Dowry deaths are presumed and stats are manufactured by arresting the in laws.

Hefty sums of Alimony are negotiated in pre 498a and post 498a to give or take divorce. 

No amendments for 498a misuse’ is justified with dowry deaths which already has a separate section 304b. (Even Chidambaram has justified. He is fooled by feminist because in his letter to the states he has clearly shown concern about 498a misuse. But while answering against the misuse he has taken stand on the dowry deaths.)

People also do not realize that Husband do not have a machinery to file FIR against wife.

That there are no suo motu punishments for the misuse of law to the wife and some jerks advice husbands to file a defamation after the long exhausting emotional, mental, financial and legal battle that takes the toll of the family socially.

People forget that MEN too are the citizens of the country belonging to human race.

Husbands are so deeply scriptted to discount themselves hence they consider it as a crime to count upon themselves.

Women Laws are actually wife centric and they torture the mothers and sisters of husbands who are women too but not as per codifying law.

Animals have a ministry for welfare, husbands yet to have one.

Men fund Government by paying 82% of taxes yet all laws are against MEN and his biological relatives.

Move to SC and get rejected then become politician and there advocacy all such MEN’s ISSUES right from the WELL of the very INDIAN PARLIAMENT as advised by @ Hema the only Law Officer that we have here in LCI which is the only gyan of her that I painfully liked !!!

etc etc etc….


It’s Time we take US seriously, only then we can expect @ Hema and her gang of metro wifes (timepass) club to take this huge VOTE BANK seriously. Time we have Ministry for MEN. Only then we can straighten these issues out.

Time we count ourselves. 

Time we tell the system that we are present too and get our attendance marked. 



 5 Replies


Impressive post, thanks to TAjobs and Jinesh!

All rights for WIVES and all pains and loans for hubby and his family, this is the story of matrimonial laws in short.. :(

Yes, Lets start counting ourselves, we are in lakhs! discrimination on gender, age, relegion or community, we are all sailing in the same boat! all we need to do is, just make our boat stronger!


Similarly metro Indian Husbands at large either forget to count themselves ...

Indian husband is taken for granted ,discount like givig more discount in ATM machine.;)


Marriages increasingly becoming sour..



There are lots of cases of marriage discords, separations and divorces that are happening in Indian urban society. Lots of issues arise due to differences within the couple and their family members. And when the situation become uncontrollable, then both wife and husband have to approach courts with their exaggerated accusations towards each other. We cannot hold only one gender - as usual 'male' responsible for such problems, but both genders and all of us are equally responsible and are involved in every such social problem.


The Indian family and social customs, values, standards, roles and responsibilities are drastically changing due to education, social and media exposure, competition, new opportunities in life and higher cost of living standards. All this including various other reasons impact the family and society. The society is getting into chaos, being fragmented day by day when it’s heading for leading an individualistic, helpless and lonely life. Many children are getting only single parenting and loosing their desired love of a father or mother. Many old parents, teenagers and minors in families have suffered due to such disturbances, labeled as 'criminals' under false complaints mainly of 'dowry-demand harassment' in 498A and 406 of IPC and are tortured in jails due to complaints by their Bahus, the Daughter-In-Laws. Many professionals including NRIs, IAS, doctors, software professionals, engineers, highly educated and so called top brass elite class is continously suffering.


There should be a combined, sincere and selfless effort by social institutions, organisations, legislature, legal system and individuals to better understand the causes of any such problem right from its beginning and then to deal them with unbiased and positive attitude. As such cases are drastically increasing, so cannot be minimized by holding one person- the accused responsible, but all of us shall work collectively to genuinely workout peace and harmony in family and society.

 by Nishant Kumar

For more Info Visit to :

hema (law officer)     02 June 2011

there was one "Gobbels", who was the propoganda minister for "Hitler".  Gobbels was famous  for lying and distorting the facts. his principle was "tell the lie as many times as necessary till you yourself believe it as truth".  he made the entire nation of germany, famous in the world for its phylosphical thoughts in various social sciences,  as fools by saying that they only had the "aryan" blood and provoked them to kill jews and became cause of genocide of millions of jews in germany and other countries occupied by germany at the time of war.  finally, he made fool of even "Hitler" saying that they were winning the second world war and became cause of hitler's suicide death.

now, we have got our own "gobbels" on our LCI.  truthfully from head to toe he is a total liar. the first lie is about taxes.  he thinks that 82% of men pay the taxes, indirectly hinting that only 18% women are tax paying.  by saing this he is not only insulting just wives, but mothers, sisters and daughters also.  it shows the height of his idiocity.  there are two types of taxes, direct taxes and indirect taxes.  the portion of indirect taxes in national revenue is very high.  every person (including the just born baby) living in the country pays indirect taxes. from birth to death every thing we use is taxed and we pay them.  if we purchase wheat, rice, dal, tea powder etc. on every thing, we pay tax.  it does not depend whether your earn or not.  if you consume you pay it.  but these rich arrogant bunch of crooks think that only on their direct taxes, the nation survives. 

if he is so confident about his logic, reasoning and justification about the men's rights, who stopped him to approach the supreme court and ask the supreme court to invoke its extraordinary constitutional powers under Articles 142 to provide men their legitimate rights.  either it is repeal of S.498-A or amendment of S.498-A, repeal of S.304-B, repeal or amendment of maitenance laws and other matrimonial laws and repeal of DV Act as a whole , go and request the supreme court with supreme logic.  whether hema and her gang accept or reject his logic is immaterial as they do not have power either to keep in tact or repeal or amend the existing laws.  therefore trying to  convince them is a futile effort. 

but i know very well about these cyber tigers.  they have ferocious faces to threaten the innocent housewives but have sand legs and cannot move. 

Originally posted by :hema
" if he is so confident about his logic, reasoning and justification about the men's rights, who stopped him to approach the supreme court and ask the supreme court to invoke its extraordinary constitutional powers under Articles 142 to provide men their legitimate rights.  either it is repeal of S.498-A or amendment of S.498-A, repeal of S.304-B, repeal or amendment of maitenance laws and other matrimonial laws and repeal of DV Act as a whole , go and request the supreme court with supreme logic.  whether hema and her gang accept or reject his logic is immaterial as they do not have power either to keep in tact or repeal or amend the existing laws.  therefore trying to  convince them is a futile effort. 

but i know very well about these cyber tigers.  they have ferocious faces to threaten the innocent housewives but have sand legs and cannot move. 

So do you mean some people are not allowed to post here and should GO TO COURTS if they want to express their opinion ? For 498 A amendment we will approach Rajya Sabha, Law Commission and even Courts. As citizens of free India, we have the right to do so. We also have the right to raise this concern through public forums as it is a serious concern for the future of India.

Now before you object to my post, let me tell you that I have faced even intimidating posts from you and I am not afraid of you any more.

If you say that you are not talking to me, I am also not talking to u !

Saurabh..V (Law Consultant)     03 June 2011

I personally feel today that judiciary in connivance with politicians and police are running a racket of such laws. Punishments are traded by the wives and stamped by the courts. I have seen so many orders of the courts where they have written, that as the husband as agreed for a compromise/settlement and ready to pay Rs.5Lac or Rs.10Lac etc. etc. so he may be released on bail.


Wife pays money to police to get the case registered and even give illegal gratification so that her husband can be arrested. Then husband also pays money to police to save himself and his family. Then both wife and husband pay money to advocates for their cases. And finally a settlement amount paid by husband in the form of full-and-final settlement or by the way of monthly maintenance.


It's apparent from above discussion, that Govt. is interested in the above transactions than the lives of its citizen and their peace. That is why Govt. is not amending the law and neither are they interested to enact a neutral law which protects the rights of the women as well as men.


When a woman files a false complaint, max. that happens is that the husband is aquitted easily and early. But what about the harrassment and defamation to the husband and his family?? Shouldn't there be a law which deters erring wife to file false complaint?


Unless there is no law which punishes a false complainant severly, they false complainst of any kind, would keep soaring.




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