Thank you Sir for responding to my quaries,answer of your question are,
1.In West Bengal.
2.No evicton suit is pending,instade suit for temperory & permanent injunctun against demolishon work is pending.,in which I am the apealent & court has directed to maintain the status-que.'s size is 150 sq.ft.and the last rent receipt is for april 09 to march 10.(note : For last 5 years Landlord used to give one single receipt for the whole year)although payment is made uptodate but he is now deniying to issue the rent receipt. current rent is Rs.601 per month,which was enhanced from Rs.501 in April 2009.
4.My landlord has proposed me to give the same size of shop in new building@Rs.2,700 per sq.ft.
5.Reason for reconstruction is purely for financial gains but landlord has not shown me any approved plan .
6. Landlord dosent want to have tenants in new building ,and so he proposed me to pay Rs.1,00,000=00 as advance and rest amount in monthly installment of Rs.15000 that too after giving possession in new building and he is willing to accommodate me in another shop room to be taken in rent for the period of rebuilding & construction.
Sir,with the guidance of an Advocate I have prepaired a deed of sale aggrement and I will surely go for a regesterd aggrement.I relay on my Advocate Mr.Mahapatra but in this case I need a second openion too.please suggest me what further precautions should I take ,so that I am not cheated by my landlord.