Mr. R bought a self acquired property in 1992. After 5 years (1997) he expired without any will. His mother(Mrs.M) expired in 2000. He has a surviving wife (WF1), two sons and one daughter. Three Grand children are majors(above 18) and three grand children are minors (less than 18). Now the property owner is WF1.
1) If a relinguishment deed is executed by surviving wife (WF1), two sons and one daughter, then WF1 can sell the property to anyone?
2) If no relinguishment deed is executed then surviving wife (WF1), two sons and one daughter can sell the property (with an amicable understanding between two son's and daughter) to a third party?
3) Since Mr.R's mother was live when Mr.R died, whether Mr.R's brother or sister has any right in this property?
3) Whether major grand son and grand daughter's (or even minor grand son and grand daughter) have any right in this property after the sale? They can give any case against the sale and have any claim in the property?