bank has taken possession of my house under Securitisation Act.Mortgage was done in Novemeber 2001 against housing loan and bank has already published auction notice in the local news papers.
I had also availed a clean overdraft facility of Rs.3.50 lakhs in 2007 against the execution of a Demand Promissory Note (No collaterals,No guaranttes /sureties).This DPN is now time barred under limitation Act
The value of my house is around Rs.20.00 lakhs and housing loan is Rs.5.50 lakhs.It is learnt that many people have come forward to buy the house under auction by the bank
Bank has a general lien But,.Whether Bank can appropriate the sale proceeds of my house towards my clean overdraft account where the security documents are time barred after adjusting my housing loan account.Bank has not yet asked me to sign any Acknowledgement of debt,Debit balance confirmation or fresh DP Note and also not issued any demand notice
Kindly clarify