There are few people on this forum who have been writing:
1. Any cheque bounce case can be won.
2. Power of defense is immense {I may say power of offense (Prosecution) is equally immense}.
This amounts to giving false hopes to accused, because S.138 is one of those special laws where the onus is on the accused to rebut the presumption available to complainant. There is substantial amount of conviction under this act.
On the same vein they also argue and contradict that:
1. That S.138 is applicable on blank cheque bounce. (This is not fully true)
2. That security cheque is also covered under S.138. (This is not true at all)
3. That S.20 is applicable on cheque. (This is not true at all)
4. That trial court may not accept any citation of Supreme Court. (Trial court cannot overrule SC just by a statement)
(All these, which they accept, are against accused, one way they say all cases can be won and on other side they agree to above)
So my request to such people is instead of repeatedly writing such misleading statements that " Any cheque bounce case can be won", they should use their experience come forward and give their valuable advise to querist. Mere statement that any cheque bounce case can be won, is not what accused/querist wants to hear, he wants advise, a way out.