Hi.. On behalf of our mother who is the landlady we have let our a portion of a building to a tenant 8 yrs back. We have requested this tenant to vacate and he has been giving all false stories and excuses and finally he managed through his lawyer to get perputual injunction order falsely claiming that i tried forcibly to evict him ( sometimes do not understand just for professional benefit why some lawyers create such stories) and the matter is running in civil court. On advise of our lawyer we have filed an eviction petition in rent control act as the rent was Rs.3100/- for bonofied requirement for my mother. My mother is a senior citizen and widow and sometimes she is just not able to take this. can anyone please give me i) suggestions for fast disposal of case in our favour ii) Good citation of cases from supreme court or high court or rental court for taking this case faster and in our favour iii) special references or citation for senior citizen and widow rights iv) Can we sue the tenant after the false case of forcible eviction in disposed? and can the costs for court cases recoverable? . Looking forward for any other suggestions and let me know if we are proceeding in the right track .. thanks in advance.