Dear Sir,
I am from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. My aunt (mother's eldest sister) who was a spinster executed a Sale Agreement cum GPA and registered the same in 2004. After a few days, she executed "Handing Over the Possession of Property" document on my name but she did not register the same.
My aunt passed away last year in June 2012. Since she was a spinster she has no children and there are no claimants to the property. I would like to ask a few questions:
1. What would be the current status of the Sale Agreement cum GPA she executed and registered in 2004, and the status of "Handing Over the Possession of Property" document?
2. Other than the Title what other Rights do I have on the property? Do I have the Right to enjoy possession of the property and keep it in my hold?
3. Do I have the Right to sell the property?
4. How can I Will or Transfer the property to my son since it isn't a Sale Deed?
5. Can I execute a Sale Deed on myself or on my wife and son?
I would be grateful if you could kindly help me with these issues at the earliest. Thanking you and hoping to hear from you soon.