I was married in 2014 and blessed with a baby boy in 2015, after the birth of my son my wife and inlaws has become more rude and dominating. In Jan 2015 my inlaws came with police and my wifewas at my home and she took my son along with all the stree dhan and her luggage to her parent home in another state. After 2 month of leaving my house she has sent a notice of section-125 on me and case is going on in court. She doesnot want to show my son to me and my family. In the month of April-15, I had filed section-9 in the court at my place and she has not attended the court not even once. Me and my wife are both equally qualified. I also came to know that few cases of forgery/cheating case are filed on my inlaws by their neghbours. Now I am worried about my son as what kind of upbringing will he get from my inlaws in this scenario.
Please guide what should I do to get the custody of my son and also as she is not coming to court to face section-9 so can it be used to deny the maintenace charges.