Dear Advocates/Scholars
I am defendant in once special civil suit filled by the plaintiff for recovery of possession and mesne profits. Plaintiff has paid full court fees at the time of filling the suit. In the written statement I have taken the defence of adverse possession (plenty of proofs of hostile possession for more than 30 years). Also filled an order 7 rule 11 application for dismisal of suit on the grounds of limitation period of 12 year (7/11 application is pending to be heard). I have also institited a seperate civil suit for declaration of title by the way of adverse possession which is still pending.
Now plaintiff has filled a new application/interim application without any title/subject praying/demanding interim mesne profits accumulated from the date of filling of suit to till date. (around 2 years).
My query
1) Is such interim aplication for mesne profit maintanable specifically without any subject or any descripttion of law under which same is claimed.
2) Mesne profits so demanded in application is to the tune of more than 10 lacs. Is palintiff liable to pay separate court fee for such application?
Any help/inputs/hints will be highly appriciated.
Thanking You
Gautam Joshi.