So based on the above reponses, let me summarize:
1. "Law is a noble profession."
Isn't medicine a noble profession? Isn't teaching a noble profession? No where else in the world is law treated as any special vocation anymore. I think it would be better if we accept the reality instead of living in Mungerilal's fantasy world.
2. "A +2 student does not have knowledge about the relationship between an individual and the society and does not know how an individual depends upon the society and society depends upon the individual."
Though this statement is without any basis, nobody is talking about making a 12th pass eligible to practice law. Even if you consider an 18 yr old not mature, I am sure a 21 yr old is mature enough. If he is not, then courses like B.Sc or BE don't teach these things anyway. So what's the point? Do you think it is the age that brings the maturity that you are talking about? If so, then even a 12th pass should be given admission to LLB after he is 21 yrs old! What is the purpose of the additional 3 yr degree?
3. "Probably, in five years law course a law student will study arts and social science and language in first three years with one or two law papers. Then next two years he studies law only."
If a 3 yrs study in any other stream is important to understand law, why should a law college focus on any other stream instead of just teaching Law? They should just have 3 yr LLB degree after graduation. In one case, they consider having a graduate degree must, but in the other they are waiving off one yr. On what basis? In fact, the B.A courses are most useless courses and degree that are being offered in India. We all know that a BA has absolutely no value. So why should top law institutes force students to study BA course instead of letting students study different subjects like Commerce or Science. This will atleast make a well diverse pool of lawyers with varied expertise.
The following questions remain:
1. A 3 yr graduate degree is required because of the education that it provides or because of the maturity that student acquires after he is 21 yrs old?
If it is the education that is important then 5 yrs BA LLB have no basis. There should be only 3 yrs LLB course after graduation. If it is the age that is important, then even 12th pass should be given admission after 21 yrs of age.
In my opinion, LLB should be 3 yr undergraduate degree. Law is just like any other subject and anybody should be allowed to study it after 12th.
The right to practice Law is a different matter. There should be either a 1 yr apprenticeship after a 3 yr LLB degree, or a 4 Yrs Law degree that includes 1 yr practical training before one can be enrolled as an advocate.