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Sandy_1136 (HR. EXECUTIVE)     15 June 2009

Dear Senior please help me

Dear Senior,

Please suggest me. I reigned my company with one month notice but they are not giving me full & final account , and they are asking me to complete the pending work.but when i joined the company at that time also work was pending form company side. Because no one was available at that time for this pending work and I had completet all pending work. And at that time for completing pending work my current work was suffering. now my management is asking to complete full work till date then we will give u your full & final account.

Thanks & Regards



 14 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     15 June 2009

You issue a notice to the comapny to settle you accounts.

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     15 June 2009

whether any written contract was made between u and ur company.

yes u must serve them with a legal notice.


Sandy_1136 (HR. EXECUTIVE)     16 June 2009

Dear Sir,

I have not any written contract between me  & company & alos  I dont have not any offer letter,joining letter, conformation letter.So wether  it is suitable for me  to give legal notice without above documents.

Please suggest me.

Thanks & Regards




Sandy_1136 (HR. EXECUTIVE)     16 June 2009

Dear Sir,

I dont have any written contract between me & my company. & alos i dont have offer letter,joining letter & conformation letter of my company. so   Should I give legale notice to my company without above mention document ?


Thanks & Regards


chandrakant s.sao (Advocate B.Sc. LLB High court Mumbai.)     29 August 2009

Der Sandy, Law requires evidence of appointment letter, terms and vonditions of service and pay scale and also proof that you served the company and other details with out which you can not claim any thing from company. Chandrakant S.Sao Advocate High court Mumbai

saket mehrotra (article)     30 August 2009

i was workin in a PSU under a contract 4 three yrs. my appt letter didnt specify anythn on "notice period", thoh it did say that I wld be governed by all rules of the co. & that any matter not mentioned herein wld be decided at the discretion of the co. Now whn i hav resigned the co. is applying the 3 mths notice period to me. is it valid?



chandrakant s.sao (Advocate B.Sc. LLB High court Mumbai.)     01 September 2009

You are contract employee.You have to see whether your employer has committed breach of

terms and conditions of the contract and thereby you are suffering losses.Nothing can be 

advised unless contract-agreement is studied. 

Ashish Ovalekar (Manager Legal & Compliance)     04 September 2009

Dear Sandy,

Please confirm as to how you get your Salary?

chandrakant s.sao (Advocate B.Sc. LLB High court Mumbai.)     05 September 2009

Please email me the zerox copy  of the notice for my perusal and further action

Chandrakant S.Sao

Advocate High Court Mumbai

Sandy_1136 (HR. EXECUTIVE)     24 September 2009

Dear Sir,

My Gross Salary is 8000/-

Basic-                                            4000/-

H.R.A.-                                           2000/-


NEWS PAPER ALLO-                 1000/-

Sandy_1136 (HR. EXECUTIVE)     24 September 2009

Dear Sir,


Please find enclosed the attachment(resignation) for further action



Thanks  Regards


Attached File : 4 resignation.doc downloaded: 248 times

Ashish Ovalekar (Manager Legal & Compliance)     25 September 2009

Dear Sandy,

In my conderate opinion, you should approach the labour commisioner, for the redressal of your greivances. you would have to make an application in writing the true and correct facts, and seek directions from the Labour Commissioner in resolving your issues.

It would be a difficult task in absence of your appointment letter, and your salary slips, but keep whatever documents you have to show your engagement by the Company.


Sushil Kumar Agarwal (ASSISTANT MANAGER)     04 December 2015

Dear Sandy,

Tha's correct I do agree with Mr. Chandrakant, If you don't have any proof which can prove that you are working with that Company and your salary, then it will be difficult to fight with the Company. So Try to sort out this matter out of court, otherwise your case is too week.


Kumar Doab (FIN)     06 December 2015

If you were in Delhi then Delhi Shops & Estbs Act provides for issuance of appointment letter to all employees. This Act does not discriminate between 'Workman' and 'non Workman'................... and you may be covered by def. of 'Employee' as in the Act. If appointment letter is not issued it is violation of this Act and employer can be penalized.


You are indeed covered by Payment of Wages Act. Sec:13A .................................salary slip duly signed by employer has to be signed atleast a day before fixed day for disbursment of wages.


As per your wages you are covered by PF,ESIC .................


All tasks performed, emails,online attendance,salary credits,  entry in register etc can be evidence of





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