I had a love marriage. My wife left my home 2 1/2 years ago. I file the Missing Complaint in Police Station along with her Brother. During the said period I went to her home and asked to her parents, inspite of informing me about her whereabouts, they are telling me to marry with my caste girl. After a period of 1 year 8 months she calls me on my mobile and tells me that she is with some of her friend and calling me and threatening with dire consequences and foul language. However, I also told the Police about her talks in a written complaint. After 2 1/2 years later, she along with her brother (who was present along with me at the time of filing Missing complaint with the Police) and her mother came to Police Station and stated that their Daughter was in their natal home ie., with her parents for the last 2 1/2 years i.e., since by the time from Missing complaint filed by me. Now she is telling me that she wants me and would like to stay with me. The attitude of coming and going toher natal home every now and then is a regular practice being followed by her and her parents. She never ever share my family affairs. I rejected to take her back. However, they tried to instigate me with some police officer they know, but on appraising the facts of horror that has been faced by me with the said lady, he also dropped the issue of instigating me. I am also in contact with a good lawyer. I also would like to receive the suggestions if any, and help from LCI for which I will be highly obliged. She is also threatening me with Domestic Violece issues.