Hindu...Married since 13 years, two kids 8yrs and 4 yrs. We were in europe after marriage, regular clashes, incompatibility, she started seeing somebody else, i came to know but thought thats my life. When confronted her she denied and also tried to solve with her. She wanted divorce and i did not wanted to break the family, my kid had 2 yrs......She tried to sucide several times, was in the mental hospital there and continued like this for about a year. Tried to patch up with her and made few changes, accidently she was pregnant, first she thought of aborting but then she said we will keep it , i was delighted.She was still seeing the other person till we came down to india due to crisis. Elder kid was mentally tortured by her all the time, i couldnt do much as she always said that she would kill herself and kill the kids also, i was depressed. Here in India frequent quarells with my parents.I left for europe working to support the family financially. When i came back about a year back, i demanded divorce but she consumed sleeping pills and landed in hospital again. I send her notice thereafter so that she could come with my lawyer. But she did not go to speak. Now we all living together since then, bad atmosphere in the house, same quarrels, fights, abusive language by her is intorralable by my parents, in front of the kids and insults towards me........all this to issue the notice to her.
Seeking help of how to get childs custody and divorce as children are not secured with her instable behaviour, also make my parents free as they have not to suffer for anything.