shekhar -accountant
savita-wife of shekhar-clerk in same deptt.
both married one year before
no dowry was demanded at the time of marriage n not given by parents of bride
after 1 year, shekhar was dismissed......he think to start new this reference he asked his wife to bring 50,000 frm his start his new buisness
shekhar mother persuaded savita.since she had not brought any dowryn offer of marriage was accepted as his son's hav lot of offers of marriafe with heavy dowry.
savita brought it in her parents notice,bt they didnt take it seriously
on repeated demand n totrtureshe conveyed to her parents that they could do anything.
on some say,neighbour of shekhar saw flames n there was no one at home.neighbour goes to sjekhar house, broke the the kitchenWHICH WAS BOLTED FRON INSIDE.they took savita to hospital,savita gace statement n shothat shekhar had pored keroscene oil,tied her,n lit her to fire n fled away.later she succumbed to injuries.shekhar n hs mother when came to know rushed to the hospital n state that they had gone to the tempke n she might have committed suicide for the reason best known to her.PROSECUTION BOOKED SHEKHAR N HI MOTHER