A person worked in P.W.D at Karnataka died on 14.8.2010. His service records shows his wife named Veena as nominee. But their marriage is neither registered nor performed according to the Hindu Rites and Rituals. Is she eligible for family pension?
kanchna (Assistant) 02 April 2013
A person worked in P.W.D at Karnataka died on 14.8.2010. His service records shows his wife named Veena as nominee. But their marriage is neither registered nor performed according to the Hindu Rites and Rituals. Is she eligible for family pension?
kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired)) 03 April 2013
the names of family members of an employee shall be got recorded in the service registere. if such names recorded, he/she/they are eligible for such benefits. and legal heir certificate from the local tahsildar is necessary..