Hello Friends
i am a new to this forum and trying for the first time. I have query that whether the provisions of EPF are applicable to indirect employees also.
A V Vishal (Advocate) 16 April 2009
Dear Madam:
What do you mean by indirect employees. If you mean contract employees the answer is yes, they too are covered undered the P F Act
Meenu (Service) 16 April 2009
Mr Vishal
thanxs . I just want to know what type of contracts are covererd under PF Act.If company has no of different contracts ie. for hiring vehicles, construtcion , hiring of out sourced people. whther the same are attracted or not.
A V Vishal (Advocate) 16 April 2009
Yes, PF is covered for all the contracts you have mentioned, it is mandatory on your part to deduct and pay these statutory obligation on behalf of the contractor viz deduct from the contractor's bill and pay it off
mahesh pandey (Vice President) 17 April 2009
Provisions of EPF & M.P. Act is applicable to both direct employees & indirect employees engaged by contractor.
AjaySharma (HR Manager) 18 April 2009
Yes, You have to pay PF on Indirect Employee even...Ajaay