Husband got exparte divorce decree on adultry,cruelty and desertion grounds. Even though the wife and adultrer received the summons and have knowledge about the case, both didn't filed any counter and didn't the contest the case. Thus exparte decree granted. But after 700 days wife filed a sec 5 limitation act petition to condone the delay to contest the case. Initially she added the adultrer as respondent 2, but after 2 hearings she filed a not press memo to remove repondent 2(adultrer's) name from the sec 5 limitation act petition and court allowed that memo and removed the adltrer's name. Later Husband filed a counter to the petition filed by wife u/s sec 5 of limitation act and mentioned about the facts that both wife and the adulter have knowledge about the case as well as decree but didn't turn up with in 90 days of the date of decree pronouncement. Reply to that the wife filed counter saying that she didn't know the respondent 2( the adultrer at all).
At this stage can the husband request the court to add the adultrer as part of the petition (as respondent 2 ) by submitting the proofs which shows the relationship between both of them. Will it be helpful to the husband at this stage??