I am an associate member on share certificte as first name holder is exercising membership rights
The first name holder is my younger brother who is sitting on the managing committee
This Society comprising or 274 plots ( plot owner type )
As I was constantly opposing the autoratic way of running the Society. The Managing committee
Brother included brought upon a resolution to expel me
on 30.03.2014 they had a special GM and with false allegations brought expulsion proceedings
upon me. the Society did not get a 3/4 majority. yet put up same before Dy Registrar, no proper format
was put no index no performa, it wa just like a complain with 100 rs court fee stamp
Dy registrar had 10 hearings written and oral submission were made
I hv given documentary proof that no 3/4 majority was obtained
That i am a joint holder of a share certificate and that the share certificate is not divisible
that the charges as mentioned are false, and that not as per rule 28 ,29 of MCS act
That my brother sitting on committee cannot expel me who is on the same certificate
The Dy Registar Kishor Mnde closed the file for orders on 06.01.2015
rule 72(6) of MCS rule 1961 state that order should be passed on same day or within 60 days
it is now about 6 months ( 182 days ) and the Deputy Registrar fails to pass any order
do i have any other option other than filing a writ prtition in High Court ?
I was harressed by committee members and now by this Dy.Registrar
As Society had printed and circulated booklets of things I had not done to 275 building i have a
defamation case against them in criminal court. process is yet to be issued.
can i file a suit against the Dy Registrar C.H.S. for causing me mental torture and harressment
or anything else pls advise
Leslie Almeida